Secondary Double Glazing Video Gallery
Installation, appearance & usage.

//Video Gallery

Videos of installation, sealing, appearance & usage

Welcome to our video gallery for secondary double glazing.

These products have been made and installed for customers in Melbourne. They have been recorded in Melbourne.

These videos are here so you can clearly see what we mean…

1. How fast & simple the installation process is. Since we do not have to remove the current windows or doors, unlike with typical double glazing, installation only takes a few minutes and there is no mess to clean up.

  1.  we properly seal the new windows and door frames to give more soundproofing & insulation as well as to get rid of draughts, dust, and bugs.
  2. the extent to which the new doors and windows complement the current design. In contrast to some other options, we even add colour-coordinating strips over the spot where we place the attaching screws to hide them!
  1. How convenient and easy double glazing that has been retrofitted is to use on a daily basis.

Additionally, it demonstrates how to access the old windows and doors as well as open and close the new ones.

We firmly recommend that you watch at least one of these films to get a true sense of how stunning and functional our retrofitted double glazing is and will be in your house. One must see to believe!


Installing a vertical slider windows over existing leadlight window

Shows us installing a new vertical slider window for an existing vertical counterbalanced slider leadlight window.

A new hinged window installed over an existing fixed window

Shows how to use an already installed secondary glazed hinged window over an existing fixed window.

Installing a new lift out window over existing fixed vertical slider window

This video shows us installing a new glass lift out window for an existing vertical slider window which has been painted shut

Installing secondary french doors to existing french doors

This video shows us installing new glass doors to existing french doors.

Installing two part horizontal slider windows

The installation of a new, two part horizontal slider window for an existing vertical hinge window.

Installing a three part horizontal slider window

The installation of a new three part horizontal slider window for an existing three part vertical slider window

More information? Prices? Quotes?

If you require more information regarding our retrofitted secondary glazed windows or doors, or to arrange a no obligation, free, on-site quote, please call us on 1300 275 353 or use our Contact Form to send us a message.